The Fatehganj hit-and-run case, which has created a lot of buzz in Vadodara, took a turn for the worse after the intervention of MP Ranjanben Bhatt. Allegations were raised that the MP had left the driver of the car, Kush Patel, after leaving the injured people insensitive. However, MP Ranjanben Bhatt, while presenting her side in this matter, denied all the allegations and said that she had gone to the police station as a neighbor where she had met and heard both the parties. She also said that the allegations that she got Kush Patel released on bail after the police took action are also false. On the other hand, Kush Patel and his father also presented their side of the story. However, amidst this controversy, the injured Naimik and his family at Sayaji Hospital are crying for help. No one has come to Naimik's aid, who has been injured in the leg. While Pushkar, who was injured along with Naimik, was sent away saying that he was fine, but Pushkar, another victim, alleges a