The Kshatriya community is up in arms over a comment made by Purushottam Rupala about the Kshatriya community. A meeting of the Kshatriya community was held in Gondal under the leadership of Jayrajsinh to resolve the controversy. In which Parshottam Rupala again apologized. However, even after the apology, the controversy has not been resolved. And the controversy is still going on in different places. In particular, effigies of Parshottam Rupala were burnt in Rajkot and Morbi. Meanwhile, three persons who burnt the effigy of Parshottam Rupala were arrested by Pradyumannagar police. A group of Kshatriyas, including Geeta Parmar, the state president of Karni Sena, reached Pradyuman police station and registered a protest against the arrest.