"Seven Years on the Run: A Remarkable Tale of Deception and Justice" In an astonishing turn of events, Surat's Pandesara Police have written a gripping chapter in their annals, one that reads like a high-stakes thriller. The year was 2017 when the quiet villages of Mathu and Sonari in Bhestan found themselves at the center of a chilling murder mystery. Fast forward to today, and the story culminates in the dramatic capture of a fugitive couple that had eluded authorities for seven long years. The Disguise: Imagine this: a Maulvi couple, dressed in traditional Muslim attire, blending seamlessly into the bustling streets of Hyderabad. What made them stand out was not their appearance but their dark secret - they were wanted for a heinous crime. The Unsolved Murder: The chilling tale began in 2017 when a Bihar police officer's brother met a tragic end in Mathu and Sonari villages. The Pandesara Police stepped into action, dete