In a rather unsettling turn of events, hackers have seized an opportunity amidst a special drive conducted by the traffic police to recover pending e-memo fines from vehicle owners. While the government's intentions were to ensure compliance with traffic rules and streamline fine collections, the emergence of a bogus e-memo website has led to the duping of scores of vehicle owners. The traffic police in the city had deployed 20 teams across various locations to address the issue of pending e-challans. These electronic memos, commonly known as e-challans, were sent to vehicle owners who had violated traffic rules, capturing the violations through CCTV cameras. However, some vehicle owners had not paid their fines, leading to the organization of a Lok Adalat (People's Court) on September 9th to address these pending cases. In preparation for the Lok Adalat, the traffic police initiated a special drive. The primary objective was to provide vehicle owners with an opportunity to access de