"Residents of Karelibagh Vallabh Nagar Society in Vadodara usher in an eco-conscious Ganesh festival with an eco-friendly Ganapati." As the auspicious Ganapati Utsav approaches, preparations are underway across Vadodara to celebrate the beloved Ganesha festival. In the heart of Karelibaug Vallabh Nagar Society, Vadodara, Shri Ganesh Yuva Mandal sets a remarkable example by embracing an eco-friendly approach to commemorate Lord Sriji. What sets this celebration apart is the eco-friendly statue of Lord Ganesha, lovingly crafted by the dedicated youth of the society. Every year, this Mandal steadfastly chooses to create an eco-conscious Ganpati. The process begins with the youth collaborating to construct the statue, a meticulous labor of love that takes approximately 25 days. What makes this statue truly eco-friendly is its construction material—paddy grass. The young artisans of the society take great pride in their work, and this tradition unites all member