The forest department has taken a significant step in preserving the environment and safeguarding infrastructure in areas like Vadodara by imposing a ban on the use of foreign tree species known as conocarpus for road and divider decoration. The decision to prohibit conocarpus plantation comes in light of research reports that shed light on the detrimental impacts of this invasive species on the local ecosystem and human life. Understanding Conocarpus: Conocarpus, a non-native species, has gained attention for all the wrong reasons. This tree's root system, which delves deep into the ground and proliferates extensively, poses a substantial threat to vital infrastructure elements. Cables, drainage lines, and freshwater systems are all vulnerable to damage caused by the invasive roots. Proliferation of Conocarpus: In the past, the rampant planting of Conocarpus trees was a common sight on road dividers in Vadodara, where as many as 24,000 of these tr