"Abhayam181 Women Helpline" and "Sakhi One Stop Center" Join Hands in Heartwarming Reunion Effort In a heartwarming and commendable effort, Vadodara's "Abhayam181 Women Helpline" and "Sakhi One Stop Center" collaborated with the "Nari Sankarsangriha" under the guidance of the District Mahila and Child Office to reunite an estranged Nepalese woman with her family. The "Nari Sankarsangriha," operating under the District Mahila and Child Office's guidance, serves as a sanctuary for women in need, offering comprehensive assistance under one roof. Recently, it achieved a remarkable feat by successfully reuniting a Nepali woman, approximately 50 years old, with her family. This heartwarming reunion was made possible through the dedicated efforts of "Nari Sankarshan Griha" in Vadodara, with vital support from "Abhayam 181" and "Sakhi One Stop Centre." Several weeks ago, "Abhayam 181" encountered a woman, roughly 50 years of age, who appeared to be in a distressed