"Two Days of Festive Delight Unfold at Rajkot Station on October 26th and 27th, 2023" Rajkot Railway Station, situated in the Rajkot division of Western Railway, came alive with the vibrant spirit of 'Station Mahotsav' on October 26th and 27th, 2023. This two-day celebration saw a multitude of engaging programs that left passengers and visitors enthralled. The festivities began with a captivating photo exhibition, shedding light on the rich history of railways and showcasing the exquisite tourist destinations in Rajkot. The creative rangoli adorning the station premises quickly became a focal point of admiration for travelers. Students from IP Mission School were treated to an educational exhibition where they learned fascinating insights into the railways' historical journey. The cultural heritage of the region was on full display with traditional dance performances of Garba, folk songs, and spirited nukkad dramas, all receiving accolades from railway passengers. Adding t