"Vadodara-based fashion designer Priti Parikh brings the essence of Patola, Bandhej, and Banarasi art to her exquisite designer outfits while providing employment to local weavers and tailors." Priti Parikh, a talented fashion designer hailing from Vadodara, has embarked on a creative journey to preserve Gujarat's rich artistic heritage through her elegant Patola and Bandhej-inspired designs. Over the past six years, she has been meticulously crafting outfits that encapsulate the essence of these traditional art forms, aiming to keep them alive in contemporary fashion. Having learned the intricacies of Patola and Bandhej directly from master craftsmen, Priti incorporates these designs into every piece of clothing she creates. Her vision is clear: to have her garments reflect the vibrant cultural heritage of Gujarat, allowing customers to appreciate and experience the beauty of Patola and Bandhej. But Priti's journey goes beyond aesthetics. She is dedicated