Case Against Vadodara Man for Posing as PMO Official, Threatening Hospital Chain The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a case against a man for posing as a Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) official and threatening the promoters of a hospital chain to “forget” dues more than Rs 16 crore owed by another hospital. The man, identified as Maayank Tiwari from Vadodara, claimed to be a director (government advisory) and was collecting crores of rupees by either threatening people or using the PMO tag to “settle disputes”. This was flagged by Chirag Panchal, an undersecretary with the PMO, to the CBI, which booked Tiwari. Tiwari threatened the managing director of of Dr Agarwal’s and forced him to settle a dispute of over Rs 16.43 crore with two Indore-based doctors. Dr Agarwal’s entered into an agreement with two doctors who ran the Indore-based hospital to join the franchise for which over Rs 16 crore was paid. The Indore hospital allegedly started violating the terms of the a