- A review written by Shivani Gadre
In the expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe, "The Marvels" emerges as a breathtaking cosmic odyssey. Directed by director Nia DaCosta, the film seamlessly blends action, humor, and heartfelt moments, introducing a formidable trio of superheroines navigating the intricacies of identity, responsibility, and the interconnected nature of their destinies. "The Marvels" is derived from Marvel Comics and serves as the sequel to the 2019 film "Captain Marvel." It continues the narrative introduced in the television miniseries "Ms. Marvel" (2022) and is an integral part of Phase Five in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). "The Marvels" unfolds as a visual feast, taking audiences through distant corners of the cosmos, each intricately designed with breathtaking visuals. The film's visual tapestry serves as a testament to the creative brilliance that characterizes the Marvel Cinematic Universe.