On January 13, the State Monitoring Cell raided Jawahar Nagar and seized 24,000 bottles of liquor worth Rs 32 lakh. Two vehicles and other valuables worth Rs 52 lakh were also seized. Krunal Ramanbhai Kahar was one of the accused in the case. However, the Sayajigunj police had filed an FIR without naming him in the investigation. Despite this, Krunal Godiya was sent to jail. Finally, two months after the raid, the real Krunal Ramanbhai Kahar was arrested by PSI Haribhai of the PCB from Kadodia Char Rasta in Surat and sent to jail. When the Jawahar Nagar police reached the jail to take action, Krunal Kahar's brother Suraj Chui and his accomplices created a ruckus.