Voting is scheduled for May 7 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, as preparations for the state's elections are underway. Hasmukh Patel, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate for the Ahmedabad East Lok Sabha seat, submitted his nomination on Monday. According to the affidavit accompanying his nomination, Patel's combined immovable and movable assets are valued at 4.45 crores. This marks a decline from the 8.64 crores reported in his 2019 affidavit, indicating a decrease of 16% over the span of five years. Interestingly, during the same period, Patel's wife has seen a significant increase in her wealth, soaring by 114%. In 2019, her assets totaled 1.54 crores, a figure that has now surged to 3.28 crores.