Today, in honor of Lord Ram Jayanti, Ahmedabad will host a series of special programs and processions at various temples across the city. Temples such as Jagannath Mandir, Nikol Ramji Mandir, Paldi Jalaram Mandir, Memnagar Gurukul Mandir, ISKCON Mandir, and Bhadaj Hare Krishna Mandir will be part of the festivities. One highlight of the day is a unique program planned at the Ram Mandir in Nikol. Notably, for the first time in 147 years, the Rath Yatra will commence from the Ramji temple in Nikol. The Rath Yatra will feature three chariots, with Ramji seated in the first chariot, Kashivishwanath Mahadevji in the second, and Radha-Krishna from Mathura-Vrindavan in the final chariot, adding a vibrant touch to the celebrations.