Saikshik Maha Sangh, representing one lakh teachers, has planned a significant walk on Saturday, culminating in a Maha Panchayat to address longstanding issues, including concerns about the old pension scheme. Concurrently, Maha Panchayats will convene at 11 different locations across the state. The Padayatra and Mahapanchayat, organized by the Shaikshik Mahasangh, will unfold in key cities such as Mehsana, Himmatnagar, Godhra, Vadodara, Kheda, Navsari, Surat, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, Dwarka, and Morbi. On December 9, teachers and employees will embark on marches across Gujarat, presenting application forms to the Prime Minister, Chief Minister, Education Minister, Chief Secretary, facilitated through the District Collectors.