Today Union Minister Piyush Goyal and Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani will dedicate India’s first railway university, National Rail and Transportation Institute (NRTI) on 15 December, in Vadodara. India will be the 3rd country in the whole world after Russia and China to have dedicated University for Railways. Approx 103 students have taken admission in the first batch of B.B.A who are from 20 different states of the country. There are two Bachelor's courses 1) B.Sc in Transportation Technology 2) B.B.A in Transporation Management. Masters degree will start in 2019-20 [the_ad id="6498"] Ministry of Railways has sanctioned Rs 421 Crore for this project which will go on for the next 5 years. 110 acres land is identified in Waghodia Area of Vadodara for con