OURVADODARA magazine is Vadodara’s city magazine. Created especially for international visitors and residents, it's packed full of insider tips for what to do and what to see in the city. Each issue highlights new cultural activities, parties, restaurants, shopping, excursions and more, ensuring you get the very most out of Amsterdam.
Experience Vadodara from the inside
Grab the latest copy ofOURVADODARA for background information on the city’s best sights and events, plus excellent suggestions for discovering lesser-known spots. Written by people who know and love the city, it will lead you through everything Vadodara has to offer day-by-day, pointing out places that we cherish and that we wouldn’t want you to miss out on.
OURVADODARA also contains full agenda listings for music, theatre, clubbing, exhibitions, LGBT, festivals and family activities, as well as in-depth features on trends, city neighbourhoods and more.
Take a look and subscribe!