Starring - Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Karan Johar Director - Anurag Kashyap Genre - action, drama, crime Set in the 1960s, Bombay Velvet is a neo-noir period film with Ranbir Kapoor as street fighter Johnny Balraj and Anushka Sharma as jazz singer Rosie Noronha. The film boasts of exceptional art direction and production design which gives us a feeling of nostalgia and takes up back in the day when Mumbai was known as Bombay and on the brink of being the thriving metropolitan city that it is today. The story of Johnny Balraj, the fiery, stubborn yet vulnerable boxer, who fights against all odds to become a 'bigshot' and reclaim his love for Rosie takes us on a thrilling journey packed with vintage art deco, guns and glamour. The soundtrack is atmospheric, lingering and spell-binding, definitely Amit Trivedi at his best. Anushka Sharma lip syncs convincingly to the voice of Neeti Mohan and looks enchanting as the Femme fatale club singer . Ranbir Kapoor looks sharper, rougher and