Duo held for stealing cash from ATMs by switching it offA duo of Jamshed Khan Pathan and Arif Khan Pathan was arrested by Cyber Cell and Navapur Police Station for stealing money from automated teller machines. They followed a unique modus operandi by switching off the machines just before it started to dispense the cash. Through this, they used to get money but the amount was not debited from the account. The duo was held near Jai Ratna building by the patrolling police and was caught carrying Rs. 1,17,360 of cash and 79 ATM cards. Upon further interrogation, they revealed that they travelled especially from Haryana to Vadodara for this fraudulent activity. Jamshed and Arif used people's debit cards for cash withdrawal. Police are investigating that how did they try to gather so many cards and in how many cities they've robbed the ATM machines so far.