Rs 10 crore lost by the Barodians in bitcoin schemeIn the Ponzi cryptocurrency scheme, thousands of people were conned across the country, out of which 10 people are from Vadodara. Around 10 people came forward who were the victims of this scheme to lodge the complaint against kingpin Amit Bhardwaj, his brother Ajay and their accomplice Hemant Bhope. The victims had attended a seminar organised by Hemant Bhope at a renowned hotel in Sayajigunj explaining investments in Gain Bitcoin floated by Amit and Ajay through Variable Tech Private Limited registered in Singapore. Most of them were lured by the offer and therefore invested in Gain Bitcoin. The investors were promised with 10% returns in the form of bitcoins. The returns were to be deposited in an online wallet, Zebpay. And also an eighteen-month contract was signed between Amit and the victims in September 2016. They all had invested 64.6 bitcoins in October 2016 and received a 10% return in the online wallet till January 2017. One