On basis of complaint registered Vadodara cyber police alleging that fake recruiting websites have been created to cheat job aspirants. Using technical resources Vadodara Police tracked the location of the office in Delhi from which these websites were operated. 9 Girls & 1 boy were caught from the office with 22 mobile phones, 22 sim cards and a laptop. The accused are a bunch of unknown people who lured 100's of innocent graduates into promising them a job by telling them to register onto the fake websites with an entry fee of Rs 49 and then later doing fraud transaction by taking their OTP. They have been duping several people from different cities of the country. They had created seven to eight such fake websites which they close down in 3-4 months. Cyber Cell arrested the two Amit Gupta and Rakhi Mathur, bought them to Vadodara from Delhi on transit remand for further investigation. Main accuse Harshit Pandey & Anil Pandey are absconding