Men are often told to ‘man up’ if they ever feel depressed or are upset about an issue. They’re left unattended because they’re expected to be strong and portray the stereotypes of masculinity. Whereas when it comes to women, we’ve seen them being comforted by both the sexes. A man could be a soft and emotional person as well considered as to his female counterparts. They need support and understanding too. Focusing on the commercial aspect of this day, Women’s day is seen to be celebrated with all the pomp with special discount sales to lure the ladies. But today, unfortunately, half of the population has forgotten or are ignorant that International Men’s Day does even exist! It’s not just about women and the appreciation of their hardships but also about the pressures of being a man. The male community is always expected to be the breadwinners, masculine, emotionally strong, sexually exploitative/overpowering. They’re the forgotten offsprings of Adam who have to abide by the patriarc