Four men posed as fake CBI sleuths conned a jewellery salesman duo in Vadodara on Tuesday. Manish Mehta and Nakul Trivedi worked as marketing executives at Emerald Jewel Industry India Ltd in Mumbai and had come to Vadodara to meet jewellers and show them samples for taking orders. Manish and Nakul often visited Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh for work. On Tuesday they visited Gandevikar Jewellers on Jetalpur Road for showing jewellery samples and then later left for CH Jewellers in Alkapuri and some other jewellery showrooms for further work. When the duo was heading towards Damodardas Jewellers, they were approached by a group of fake CBI officers. They told them that they would have to check their bags as they suspected it of containing drugs or chemicals. Trivedi insisted that they were carrying gold because of the marketing work. The four conmen checked their bags and asked them to leave. When Manish and Nakul reached Damordas, they suspected that two small pou