Off reel Bunty and Babli caught in VadodaraIn the latest development of the robbery at businessman Mukul Ajmera's residence, the maid Sangita Pillai is been arrested along with her love partner Rakesh Ninama. The duo was nabbed after an intense investigation using CCTV footage. Sangita and Rakesh were tracked together in Mumbai. They both have a criminal history where she used to target rich households for robbery and housebreaking. Whereas Rakesh belongs from Rajasthan who had eloped to Surat at the age of 13 years and engaged in peddling English alcohol from Daman to Surat. The duo had met in a prison from where their robbery endeavours began. The accused had stolen cash and jewellery worth Rs 33,40,000 from Mukul's cupboards while the family was away attending a wedding in Mumbai during Diwali vacation. She was hired by the Ajmera's as a domestic servant without intervening in her past works.