A class four boy studying in a school near Bagikhana was sexually harassed by a man on Tuesday morning. The accused, Devang Patel was nabbed by the police and the father outside the school where they were keeping a watch. The nine-year-old boy had complained about the repetitive incident to his father who works as a photographer. The father approached the police station and informed them that in September, Patel tried to lure the boy with a chocolate and when he refused, he tried to pull him but somehow the boy escaped inside the school. In order to nab the man, the father and some of his friends kept a watch outside the school for the next five days. He did not turn up. The incident repeated again after a week where Patel tried to catch hold of the boy. But somehow he managed to run inside his school compound. He complained to his father and again an unsuccessful watch was kept. When the school resumed after Diwali vacations, Patel tried to catch the boy again on 20 November. This res