Film producers filmed a scene where a train coach was set on fire in Vadodara on Sunday to recreate the 2002 Godhra train burning for the film being made on Narendra Modi's life. According to sources, permission had been given from Western Railway and the Vadodara Fire Department to shoot the scene. But the Vadodara BJP MP Ranjan Bhatt had remarked that he nor his party leaders had been informed about the fact that this scene was being shot or the fact that it was being shot in Vadodara. Permission had been sought from Western Railway Chief Public Relations Officer Ravindra Bhakar to shoot a different scene, of the Prime Minister selling tea on railway platforms. No mention had been made about Godhra. Jayaraj Gadhvi, a producer on the film signed a letter to the Chief Fire Officer of VMC seeking fire engines for the shoot. The scenes from inside the train will be shot at a film set in Mumbai. The shoot was for a film about Narendra Modi's life which will be titled PM Narendra Modi.