23-year-old GPSC aspirant Dhiraj Dubey was found murdered near the railway tracks of Nandesari at 2:30 am on Friday. Dhiraj used to live in Ramnagar with his father, who worked as a tempo driver, and his sister. His mother had passed away 6 months ago. Even though Dhiraj had secured a government job in the railways, he gave up the opportunity to get into the police force. He left his home on early morning on Thursday on his bike and his whereabouts were unknown till 6:30 pm in the evening when he called his cousin brother. After his cousin couldn't hear him on the phone properly, so he tried calling him repeatedly. The family started looking for Dhiraj till late at night with no avail. Dhiraj's body was found in a bloodied state near the railway tracks and the Nandesari police were alerted. The police are still investigating the reason behind his death and the postmortem results are awaited.