Vivek Oberoi came to Vadodara to campaign for his film, 'PM Narendra Modi,’ a biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Parul University in Vadodara today morning. The actor stayed away from answering political questions but he said that though he is not interested in politics right now, he might think about it after 2024, and when he does, he will fight for a seat from Vadodara, since Modi has contested elections from here. He says though many PILs have been filed in the last 5 years against the PM, the allegations have been made without any proof. Oberoi also remarked a whole different film can be made on those false allegations. He talked about how makeup played an important role in the film. He tried different makeup continuously for 15 days and finalized the look on the 16th day. He woke up at 4 in the morning to start shooting of the film.