As the Lok Sabha elections draw near, the candidates have intensified their campaigning for the elections. Our election laws make sure that the candidates submit their expenditure details to the returning officer (RO) at three different intervals during the period when the campaigning has started. The last statement is submitted two days before polling day. As per rules, the district electoral officer (DEO) goes over the election expenses of each candidate and uploads the abstract statement along with a copy of notices issued by the RO, on the website of the chief electoral officer (CEO). The Election Commission of India has set a ceiling of Rs 70 lakh per candidate. In Vadodara, a total of 13 candidates are contesting for the elections and all of them have submitted their expenses for the first phase. Ranjan Bhatt, the BJP candidate has spent the most, 14 lakh plus, on the election campagin, followed by Prashant Patel, the Congress candidate. Here is