The accused in the Prachi Mourya murder case has been caught in the Vadodara Police Crime Branch. 25-year-old Prachi was a theatre artist with Applause Vadodara - Theatre & Art. She was returning from a performance of a drama, 'Speechless,' at ONGC Khambhat at around 1:30 am in the morning. She told her friend Ankit, who was dropping her off to leave because she was to meet Wasim. The accused, 24-year-old Wasim Malek, was in a relationship with Prachi for the last four years. Both were graduates from Parul Institute of Engineering and were together in college but had ended the relationship in February. Wasim was studying in Bharuch at an engineering college now. But the two still kept in touch through messages and met on a regular basis. Prachi, meanwhile, started a relationship with someone else and Wasim was jealous of the fact that Prachi had moved on. She was returning on the night of the murder when she got a text from Wasim asking him to meet her. Prachi told her frie