Recently, Vadodara Traffic Police revealed the data of Echallan generated in last one year i.e from April 2018 to April 2019. Figures had put everyone in shock 5.75 Echallans were generated amounting to Rs8.07 crore out of which only Rs 1.88 crore have been recovered. To recover remaining Rs 7.77 Crore of 4.40 lakh Echallans Vadodara Traffic Police has launched special drive in which special Payment Desk will be set up at 5 major crossroads of the city from 20th May till 26th May 1) Nursing Home Cross Road 2) Pratapnagar Dabhoi Tri Crossing 3) Sardar Estate Cross Road 4) Chakli Circle 5) Mujmahuda Circle This desk will be open from the morning at 8 o'clock to 8oclock at night. Special focus is on the commuters who haven't paid penalty despite being issued 15 or more echallans. After this drive Cops will either suspend the license or detain vehicles of those who fail to pay up. Alternative ways to pay echallan fine are 1) Any SBI Branch 2) Pay online