The 'Banyan city' Vadodara (formerly known as Baroda) was originally named for its dense Banyan tree cover over its territory in ancient India. An till date a true Barodian is residing in the cover of trees (not banyan though) with his not less than a sensation tea and coffee; VISHNU's TEA CENTER is what it is called and that true Barodian is Vishnu Vishnu's Tea Center is situated at a petit place near The MSU Fine Arts Faculty, Sayajigunj. The Tea Center is not in level to the ground but at a lower heavenly parallel which takes u straight to a smaller version of the beautiful Mahabaleshwar valleys. Vishnu operates at a very spacious place and can accommodate people as well as two wheelers which can get down, get parked and can be added to the tea/coffee experience. Obviously if so many people drop by there is ought to be a little mess but this is not an issue for Vishnu coz he keeps all his prem