Three female students of Baroda Medical College have complained of sexual harassment against Dr. S K Nagar, HoD Anatomy. The female students, in their first year of Bachelors of Physiotherapy, allege that Nagar passed comments on their clothes, looks, and their body figure among other things. The students have been discussing the matter with the Dean since Thursday. The students stated that during their preliminary exams of anatomy subject, conducted on 16 and 17 of July, Nagar made objectionable remarks, asked for their contact details, asked about their virginity, and asked many such questions in an on-going viva that were not related to the subject. More so, he also threatened them for reducing their marks during the external exams. The students have requested the MSU officials to take strict actions as per Supreme Court guidelines. The dean of the college, Dr. A T Leuva, has asked the students to submit an official written complaint for the same and the process should be initiat