City’s book lovers, students and teachers were left heartbroken when they saw their favourite book buying and renting stall getting washed out by the torrential downpour in Vadodara. Pradeepkumar Agrawal, fondly known as the ‘Bookwale Bhaiya’ by the students, teachers and alumni of MSU and book lovers across the city, who owns a bookstall near the university pavilion was left in complete dismay when the incessant rainfall swept away and destroyed around 1000 books from the stall. Agrawal left for home amidst the heavy cloudburst on 31st July’19 after packing the books, not expecting the rains that lasted throughout the night would flood his bookstall. The damage was realized by Agrawal only on Friday when waters receded in most of the affected areas. Agrawal himself is a passionate book lover and every person who visits the stall befriends him in the first meeting. He makes sure to treat everyone with as much kindness as possible. Students from MSU were his regular customers as these