Sunny Vasava, a young boy living with his family under Vishwamitri Bridge, has been selected to represent Vadodara at the National Level Junior Golf Tournament. Vasava started off by accompanying his brother who worked as a caddie at the Gaekwad Golf Club. At first, Vasava sat on a corner and observed the entire game from under a tree. One day, Sunny attempted to take shots without the golf club and was spotted by the Manager of the Gaekwad Club. Vasava was then appointed as one of the 60 caddies. Vasava’s dedication and interest towards the game during the tournament for caddies, was enough to give him professional coaching and training him to be a part of the Junior Team. The Indian Golf Union is has organized a National Level Junior Feed Tour for Golfers for golfers aged from 10 to 18 years, wherein Sunny Vasava will be representing Vadodara in the upcoming matches the West Zone. The 10th pass Sunny Vasava has been supporting his family since he landed the job of a caddie, assis