Abhishek Surve and Sumit Nambiar were arrested yesterday by Special Operation Group (SOG), Vadodara for infringement of fake Rs. 500 notes. However, as cops further investigated in the matter, the identified and arrested five others of which two can be termed as the master-mind behind the entire racket that begins in Surat. Recession in Surat, fake notes in market. Surat’s diamond market is currently facing a deep recession due to which (accused) Ashish Surani and (accused) Sanjaybhai Parmar, skilled workers in the diamond market, watched a video on YouTube about printing fake notes at home. Surani and Parmar decided to print fake Rs. 500 and Rs. 100 notes at home using a laptop and printer. A total of Rs. 1,60,000 of fake notes were printed that were tested by the two at a Pani Puri stall and other eateries. Soon enough, greed got the better of Surani and Parmar as they started circulating this heavy bundle of fake Rs. 1,60,000 notes to their friends. Parmar gave