Maharaja Sayajirao University, Vadodara, has released a tender to install 3000 surveillance cameras around its campus. MSU has always been in the headlines with regards to its student-political leaders clashes, glorified for its grand college fests, among others. However, in view of the recent events and incidents that have unfolded on campus, the decision to install surveillance cameras around campus may help in curbing adversities of such events. After the Rs. 6 crore project for installing WiFi in the campus, this Rs. 4 crore project is said to be the second biggest project of MSU. The campus is equipped with 300 CCTV cameras at present and installation of new cameras will begin in January, 2020. The new CCTV cameras will have advanced technology based on Internet Protocol (IP). Along with that, MSU will also have a separate monitoring room for surveillance. Vendors and dealers have already started sending in quotations for the same.