“Uncle… please let me call my parents, those people will kill me”, wailed the minor who was spotted by the 55 year old security guard dragging her injured self out of the dark bushes at Navlakhi Ground at 10:43 pm on Thursday, 28th Nov’19. The unfortunate incident unfolded in the little city of Vadodara on Thursday night has left many scarred and shocked. In an age where women are growing up to be the leaders of tomorrow, the toxic masculinity and mentality of patriarchal society is still prevalent - women are still unsafe if out late night, regardless of the clothes they wear and the jobs they do. The unending hunches and thoughts about the frightful gang rape of a 14 year old girl kept growing on our Senior Reporter (Crimes), Chintan Shripali when he decided to visit the eerie Navlakhi Ground on Tuesday evening to try and see where the investigation was leading. In a conversation with the on duty police officers, our reporter asked him if the security guard who spotted t