A young 28-year-old woman was harassed, molested and threatened of acid attack by a gym trainer, manager and owner of a famous gym in Maneja, Makarpura. The woman had been going to the gym for regular workouts since January when the trainer, Divyakant Solanki, alias DK, started showing romantic interest in her. DK continued to pursue her even after she refused his advances. In June, DK called her on the terrace of the gym on pretext of speaking to her, but hugged and molested her when she went there. After the incident, the woman changed her trainer at the gym. In July, when the woman was alone in the ladies’ room, DK molested her again and when she called for help, the manager, Nilesh Vasava, did not come to her help. She later complained about the episode to the owner, Sanket Kothi, and demanded stringent actions to be taken, however, Kothi refused to act against Vasava and DK. The harassment continued even after the woman left the gym with DK and Vasava stalking her and roaming n