Amidst the recent outbreak of coronavirus epidemic, people are in a state of panic. With flu-like symptoms, this virus has caused quite a fear amongst the public. Coronavirus which originated from Wuhan, a city in China has spread worldwide. China has passed a death toll of 3,000. South Korea's number of cases has neared 6,000. Italy ordered the closure of schools after the virus killed 107 people. In the US, California has declared a state of emergency over its confirmed 53 cases. In India, there are confirmed 29 cases of Coronavirus. Delhi, Agra, Telangana, Jaipur have registered cases and Ahmedabad has new suspects for the same. 2 residents, a woman, and a man, from the Satellite area in Ahmedabad both in their 60s, have been quarantined after they were suspected to have contracted the virus. They had a recent history of traveling to Japan. Another female patient who had returned from Singapore tested negative but has been kept under observation. At Surat International Airport, an a