‘Self quarantine’ is the best thing you can do right now. While you might think that quarantine is only meant for people carrying infectious diseases, in actuality it refers to a state, period, or place of isolation of an individual who is not necessarily sick.
Self quarantine is done with the purpose of flattening the curve. ‘Flattening the curve’, a term coined by the researchers can be understood by a very simple example. Imagine you are shopping at a mall and you need to use the bathroom, where there are a limited number of lavatories. If every person present at the mall decides to go to the bathroom at the same time, then it becomes a huge problem for the mall management personnels to equip customers with enough bathrooms. However, if the same number of people go to the bathroom at different times spread over a long period of time, then there is no scope for any inconveniences.
Author-Shristi Chatterjee