With the increase in the number of cases, VMC will adopt “zoning, screening & sampling” strategy Yesterday officer at special duty(OSD) Dr. Vinod Rao held a press conference in which he announced that Vadodara city is now divided into 4 zones: Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green as a part of strategic planning. Tandalja and Nagarwada area are already declared as a red zone and are completely sealed. The door to door screening of each and every person living in this area is being done to ensure that any person who came in contact with the positive detected coronavirus patient can be reported. The strategic division of the city in four-zone is then on the basis of the health assessment and the proximity of the area where maximum cases are reported without any travel history of patient. The orange zone are the areas nearby to the red zone which has more chances of having contact with the positive Cortana patient will have an extensive mass sampling. Vadodara Police will have daily survei