To satisfy his pan-masala craving, a person looted the trader in Dabhoi town of Vadodara district, later, the accused tested positive for Coronavirus during police medical protocol. Dabhoi’s Ayub Tai and his aid Kuldeep Sharma targeted a provision store owner Mahesh Bariya in Timbi village at Dabhoi, who was carrying stock of pan-masala worth Rs 4625. Tai and Sharma looted Mahesh for pan-masala and a gold ring and fled from the spot. Based on their bike registration number, Dabhoi police arrested the robbers. As per the protocol, they were sent to SSG Hospital for medical check-up and tests for coronavirus were also done. Ayub Tai was tested positive, while Kuldeep’s report was negative. Ayub is now admitted to GMERS Hospital. “This is the first case reported in Dabhoi district, so the administration have turned Ram Tekri area into a containment area. Door-to-door surveillance will be initiated and a sample of symptomatic patients will be collected” said District Coll