Coronavirus is a pandemic that has crashed economies and overwhelmed the health centers. The daily death cases have put the nations in a lockdown, where people are thronged at hospitals and have been asked to isolate themselves at homes than be at public spaces. There is a constant rise in cases, lack of kits, doctors are getting infected, hospitals are running out of beds and masks, daily essentials has become a luxury, schools, and colleges are shut, offices are shut, the leaders of the world are conducting conferences through video calls, is something no one saw it coming. When Europe had started the lockdown, maybe the world looked at America to be the Avenger and help save humanity again from this end-game-like plot. But even the American health systems failed. The outcome is devastating as we can see it on news channels. There have been several cures across the globe, but the number of positive cases has tipped the scale and the world towards panic, uncertainty, anxiety and a