Gujarat beats Delhi, to become the second-worst affected state after Maharashtra. In the last 24 hours, 191 positive cases were reported out of which 169 cases were from Ahmedabad, 6 were from Surat, 5 from Vadodara, 3 from Anand, 3 from Panchmahal, 2 from Bhavnagar and one each in Gandhinagar and Botadand Valsad district. Initially, in March, the COVID-19 graph was rising alarmingly in other states except for Gujarat. Gujarat reported its first case on 19th March, five days before the lockdown was declared. Data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare reveals that new cases are rising the fastest in Gujarat- doubling every four days. "At present, the rate of doubling of cases in Ahmedabad is four days, which means that cases double every four days. If this rate continues, we will have 50,000 cases by May 15 and around 8 lakh by May 31," Vijay Nehra said. The number of cases may rise to eight lakh by May-end if the four-day period of doubling continues. In India, cases are dou