In this fast-paced life where we barely have time for ourselves, cooking does sound like a luxury to some of us. Lockdown has made everyone resort to their kitchen to for themselves at home. In fact, Tv and cooking seem to be the only activity that has managed to keep one engaged. TV and the internet have provided all of us with an escape from the alarming rise in cases and deaths across the globe. With minimum options for food delivery, everybody is finally trying their hands, on cooking. It has also become a lot of fun as everybody is staying and is participating in the house chores, getting more time together, picking up new cuisines and recipes from your family members, and the internet. Foodies in Our Vadodara is a community of 1,80,000 members which sees around 150 to 200 posts of homemade food like soups, baked food, pizza, healthy breakfast dishes, cocktails, shakes, smoothies, sweet dishes, different chutneys, varieties of khichdi, traditional dishes, icecreams, etc. Many of