Amid the rise in fuel prices across the country, Vadodara Congresspeople were seen wearing a mask and protesting and shouting slogans against the BJP government on Monday. The Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Dharmendra Pradhan's photo was hung and then burned and the protest demanded a rollback of the rates. The demonstration of the protest continued near the collector's office. They were present in huge numbers and blocked the traffic and protested with a cutout of a car in their hands. Congress President Prashant Patel, leader of opposition in VMC Chandrakant Shrivastav, senior leaders and supporters were also a part of the protest. [video width="848" height="480" mp4=""][/video] What drew a lot of attention to the protest was that the protesters were seen on battery-operated bicycles. Many protestors were detained by the police. Later 8 Congressmen were detained as per G.P A