Many people have fallen victim to banking frauds, where the fraudsters withdraw money from one's account without their knowledge. When the customer raises a complaint in their respective banks, they do not get a satisfactory response. In one of the incidents in Vadodara, Jaysinhbhai Mori on February 28, 2019, went to DMart for shopping and received a message on his mobile about a withdrawal transaction of Rs. 39,000 from his savings account. He immediately rushed to his bank to inform them about the same. The bank found that the withdrawal took place from an ATM at Jarmundi village in Jharkhand. He further filed a police complaint when the bank did not take any action. He also informed the RBI about the fraud. He approached Jagrut Nagrik's Managing Trustee, P.V Moorjhani. Based on this, he filed a complaint in Vadodara's consumer forum and after the Consumer Court summoned him, he finally got his hard-earned money back. The same amount was deposited by the State Bank of India (SBI) i