Ever since the outbreak of the coronavirus, it has caused quite a havoc everywhere around the world. People have tried to help each other out in these trying times. In one such incident, a local councillor steps forward to help two orphan kids. The Vankar family who lived in Savaya Nagar in Gotri was a happy family which comprised of four members. Six months ago, Virjibhai Vankar who was a casual labourer, died of cancer. The complete responsibility of the family fell on the wife, Madhubhan Vankar. She resumed her job in hopes of being able to support her two children. The onset of coronavirus brought a halt to their lives. Post lockdown, she resumed her job after the government relaxations in the laundry of a private hospital. Ten days ago, she fell ill and was taken to Gotri hospital and she had tested positive for coronavirus. She breathed her last on Saturday night. She is survived by her two children. Her husband died six months ago due to cancer. The elder child studies in clas