Displaced residents of Sanjaynagar raised an aggressive protest against the administration after they were detained by the Vadodara police early morning on Friday. As part of their agitation, they are heading towards Gandhinagar on foot to represent their pleas to the CM, but police stopped them before they start their journey. The displaced residents of Sanjaynagar have been protesting for many days demanding to provide houses and pay remaining rents to them. They have tried to represent their problems in many ways but the administration failed to resolve their issues. On Friday, as a part of their agitation, the residents were supposed to be heading towards Gandhinagar on foot to represent their pleas to the CM Vijay Rupani. But before they could start their journey towards Gandhinagar on foot, the police reached their place and detained many protestors including women. Congress President Prashant Patel rushed to the spot after the action by the police and put allegations on the a